Breast Cancer, Cancer Prevention, Diet, Food and Drink, Health & Well Being, Humor

Cancer and Cheese

Did you know that when you are diagnosed with cancer you should give up eating cheese if you want to heal your body? Cause cheese causes inflammation and inflammation causes disease and yeah….if you don’t believe me, Google it. Okay?

What a cruel joke…right?

All the cheese that I can’t have makes me sad and sometimes makes me feel like jumping off a cliff and I know what you are thinking….”OMG, you have cancer and the last thing you should be thinking about is eating cheese!!!!”…

But let me tell you, a life without cheese is sometimes a sad life. People without cancer don’t know the freedom they have to eat cheese without guilt. Eat the cheese….eat it…..please and lots of it.

Thinking about grilled cheese and pizza (forget the gluten) and macaroni and cheese and my all time favorite eggplant parmigiana. Oh my….the list goes on. Everything worth eating has cheese on it or in it…wrapped around it, dripping in it. Oh my beloved Queso. (Which, psst….likely contributed to me developing cancer in the first place) Actually all the cheese over my lifetime, I am sure contributed, but it was all delicious and perfect and I am not sure I would change a thing. More on this later…

Sometimes I give in to my cheeseful urges, which creates anxiety inducing guilt and fear that I am taking two steps back in my healing process. I then vow to be better tomorrow and do my very best to keep that promise. My love of cheese and other things that are not good for cancer healing is a daily challenge, but I work at it every day.

What am I trying to say here? Eat delicious, melty, creamy cheese if you can, (in moderation) because someday you might be told you can’t eat any cheese or you will die and then you will want the cheese even more. And that is a sad feeling.

Snark people, snark…..

“A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a broken spirit dries the bones.”
-Proverbs 17:22