Current Affairs, Happiness, Health & Well Being, Mental Health, Money, Politics, Random Thoughts, Television

COVID-19 – The Political Pandemic

It’s common knowledge by now that the alarmist outrage over COVID-19 specifically is being used for political purposes. We should be asking why we are allowing ourselves to be programmed into thinking that this virus, COVID-19, is worse than the personal and economic destruction that the “cure” for this virus is causing. The media has so many of us locked in a state of fear and panic and when the human brain is exposed to emotionally charged situations, such as panic and fear, it’s common for the brain to go into altered states. This is when the brain is highly programmable and information bypasses the analytical mind. As a result, people are not thinking rationally (toilet paper hoarding). While everyone panics from the news reports that the virus will kill them they are not giving an analytical thought to the economic fallout and personal hardships that many will suffer from the shutdown. Why the media outrage now, if not to create political instability nine months before an election?

Why such outrage now? As a common-sense human being who has been paying attention to what is going on in our political sphere, I see that every attempt to get “rid of, destroy, oust” our current president has not worked and with an election in nine months, this is a last-ditch attempt to destroy what has been built. The media has been and is still attempting to assist in this effort. Why else would they create such panic and hysteria over something that under any other administration would have been overlooked on TV news and reported on page ten of the newspapers? There is plenty of examples in history showing this exact thing. Easy to find and share.

So, I ask….

Where was the media outrage in 2018-2019 (officially end of 2019 flu season) when flu deaths in the United States = 30K-50K?

Where was the media outrage in 2016–2017 when flu deaths in the United States = 80K?

Where is the media outrage when 241 United States citizens die every day from alcohol-related deaths? Why is the media not reporting on that information? Does that help the media’s agenda or hurt it?

Where is the media outrage when one person dies every 37 seconds in the United States from cardiovascular disease? Which is preventable and reversible. You may say this is a lifestyle choice and we have free will and to that I say, if I am informed that it’s a bad flu season, I as a free-will human have the common sense to protect myself by enacting self-isolation, social-distancing, hand-washing, and other immune-boosting practices that will help prevent myself from getting the flu. All of which would not require my federal, state, and local government to mandate that we shut down our economy, which is destroying lives. Why do we suddenly need the government to protect us? They aren’t protecting us from ourselves normally. But nine months before what could be considered one of the most heated elections in United States history…they suddenly want to inform and protect us. I am calling BS on this one. They want to create a political pandemic of sorts. 

We kill more unborn fetuses a day/year (2,300 per day, 862K per year) in the United States than will die of COVID-19, but where is the media outrage on that topic? CRICKETS.

Ask yourself why the outrage now? Is it really justified? Ask yourself if you think the media is working with you or against you. Even if you hate the current President. How is the media helping you stay well while they are spreading fear and panic amongst our population? Fear, worry, and panic weaken the immune system.

As the great Henry Ford once said, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can‘t – you‘re right,” This too goes for catching something. Don’t let fear weaken your immune system, but furthermore do not let anyone or anything take away your power. You are more powerful than you know. We are all-powerful beings.

Peace, Love & Power to you!

The above are my personal opinions and viewpoints. Take what you want, leave what you don’t and always be kind. 




Cancer Prevention, Eating Clean, Food and Drink, Health & Well Being, How to, Lists, Mental Health

Live to 100 ~ Longevity Secrets from the Longest Living Cultures in the World

I read the book, The Blue Zone, which is outlines the habits of the longest living people in the world; the Sardinians, the Okinawans, the Seventh Day Adventists from Loma Linda, California, and the people from Costa Rica.

What follows is the key takeaways (commonalities) from all 4 groups of people: Enjoy!

  1. Keep Moving: Move naturally, walk daily stretch, dance, garden, whatever you enjoy, but keep moving every day. 💃🕺🏽
  1. Hara Hachi Bu: Which is a reminder to stop eating when your stomach is 80% full. Eat bigger earlier and less as the day goes on.
  1. Eat more plants: Eat 4 to 6 servings of veggies daily. Limit your meat consumption to 2x weekly, if at all. A portion of meat is the size of a deck of cards. Eat lots of fruits and veggies, beans and nuts every day. And avoid processed foods and meats.
  1. Grapes of Life: The longest living people have a little bit of wine with their meals. Not American portions and not excessively. 🍇
  1. Purpose: Why do you get up in the morning? What are you passionate about? How you enjoy using your talents and what is truly important to you? Make new friends that stimulate you. If you are the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room. Learn something new. Never stop learning! Find a passion!
  1. Downshift: Reduce noise and chatter. Be early to avoid stress. Meditate and learn to appreciate silence. Relax more. Take naps.
  1. Belong: Be involved, explore a new tradition, get out and do things that you enjoy and don’t let things hold you back, it enhances your well-being. 👫👭👬
  1. Loved One’s First: Live in a smaller house to create togetherness, establish rituals, dinner times to foster togetherness, take vacations and celebrate holidays together. Being around family is very important. “We are not islands in time, but connected to something bigger” (ancestors and older generations) put family first – invest time in your family.
  1. Find the Right Tribe: Identify like-minded people to connect with that share similar interests and habits, be likable, don’t be grumpy. People don’t enjoy being around grumpy negative people. 🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♂️

Additionally, enjoy lots of laughter and some sunshine every day. Enjoy today and let go of yesterday. Create a peaceful ritual for yourself weekly. Volunteer. Have a plan de Vida (life plan) and listen, appreciate and be grateful always.

Perhaps you already live this way and if so, congratulations! If not, incorporating some of these habits could ensure you live until you are 💯years old. 💥

PEACE & LOVE to you!

Happiness, Mental Health, Random Thoughts

Love & Joy

I sit, I breathe, I live.

I do not worry, I do not fear.

Everything is perfect as it should be.

We love, we resist, we learn and grow and we realize that love is the answer and joy is the reason and we bask in the glow of the love and the joy that we create and that is all around us.

We don’t mire in the places without love and joy.

We will all be okay in the end.

Breast Cancer, Cancer Prevention, Happiness, Health & Well Being, Mental Health, Random Thoughts, Words

Making a comeback…

I haven’t written a blog post in over 2,000 days, which equates to a little over 5 years. Why so long? I felt the internet was overrun with bloggers sharing their stories, promoting their brands and I felt like I was just adding to the noise. Life has changed and stayed the same. My commitment to eating healthy has only grown and I have become very much obsessed with all things holistic and natural, but that is a story for another day. Today is about the comeback.

Thanks to a new and good friend I have decided to start writing again. I have a story to share that some may find beneficial. I used to think; what can I possibly offer that people haven’t already heard before? What I have come to realize is that everyone has a voice and although my voice may not speak to everyone, it will speak to some. So I hope to be heard by those people who want to hear me, the people who are ready to hear me. We aren’t always ready to hear certain things and I have found from my personal experiences that information and knowledge will come to us when we are ready.

Knowledge is not power. The sharing of knowledge is power.” – Douglas Merrill